12:00 - 15:00 UTC
14:00 - 17:00 CEST
Webinar - ETSI/oneM2M IoT Semantics Tutorial on how ontology can bring added value to your IoT deployments, Part 2
You are invited to the second part of ETSI/oneM2M IoT Semantics Tutorial on how ontology can bring added value to your IoT deployments.
The first session is now available for replay online on the oneM2M YouTube channel: View the replay of Session 1 of the IoT Semantics Tutorial here.
Our panel of experts will reconvene to provide you an overview of how semantics can be applied to the IoT and of how using ontologies can considerably enrich the IoT applications and use cases.
The tutorial is targeted at IoT applications developers. In this second session, we will describe step by step how developers can build applications using ontologies on a oneM2M IoT solution, highlighting how it makes a difference using semantics in an IoT ecosystem. This developer guide will then be put in action in a demo of a relevant use case based on the SAREF ontology and a oneM2M IoT solution implementing the oneM2M standard.
The formal tutorial session will be followed by a live question and answer session from all participants interacting with the experts.
Please register HERE