IoT experts and stakeholders drive interoperable standards-based adoption at oneM2M India Industry Day

The conference engaged global and Indian organisations in discussions about how a standards-based approach is crucial for interoperability and how such an approach will help to accelerate IoT deployments in India and worldwide. Region-specific hurdles such as modest power availability, diverse digital traffic distribution and ways to overcome them were also highlighted.

"The Indian IoT market is a vibrant one because it has all the ingredients for success, from use cases all the way to policy and government vision," said Dr. Omar Elloumi, of Nokia, chairman of oneM2M's Technical Plenary. "The combined talents and passion of start-ups, larger companies, related industries and research centres make a strong case for a mutually beneficial approach to data economy, where the role of a federating standard such as oneM2M is essential. By sharing initiatives at the Industry Day, we can jointly overcome remaining market inhibitors and pave the way for growth, be it for domestic or international IoT markets."

India's IoT market is predicted to grow from 1.3 billion USD in 2016 to 9 billion USD in 2020, according to Deloitte. According to TSDSI's Director General, Ms. Pamela Kumar, IoT and M2M technologies are key enablers for the national priority missions 'Digital India', 'Smart Cities', and 'Smart Villages.'

"Adoption of a standards-driven approach is essential for economies of scale, interoperability and inclusive innovation," Kumar added. Participants deliberated on key deployment aspects, including value proposition, device lifecycle management, security privacy, and safety, and testing and certification, among other considerations which are essential for nation-wide deployments.

oneM2M experts from Nokia, Huawei, Qualcomm, British Telecom, iconectiv, InterDigital, Gemalto, ETSI, and CDOT exchanged information and ideas with Indian IoT experts from the industrial sector, government bodies, Research and Development and Academia. The event was sponsored by India â " EU Delegation.

Presentations from the India Industry Day are available online. For more information about the event and oneM2M, please visit


About oneM2M

oneM2M is the global standards initiative that covers requirements, architecture, API specifications, security solutions and interoperability for Machine-to-Machine and IoT technologies. oneM2M was formed in 2012 and consists of eight of the world's preeminent standards development organizations: ARIB (Japan), ATIS (U.S.), CCSA (China), ETSI (Europe), TIA (U.S.), TSDSI (India), TTA (Korea), and TTC (Japan), together with six industry fora or consortia (Broadband Forum, CEN, CENELEC, GlobalPlatform, Next Generation M2M Consortium, OMA) and over 200 member organizations. oneM2M specifications provide a framework to support applications and services such as the smart grid, connected car, home automation, public safety, and health. oneM2M actively encourages industry associations and forums with specific application requirements to participate in oneM2M, in order to ensure that the solutions developed support their specific needs. For more information, including how to join and participate in oneM2M, see:


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